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Sondra Schwetman

Gallery I

Sondra Schwetman


            Web page:



MFA 1995 - The University of Houston, Houston, TX.

Major areas: Sculpture and Metalsmithing.


BFA 1986 - The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Major: Art - Visual Communications.


Teaching Experience

Current: Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Position: Associate Professor - Sculpture.


Research Grants Received

2016 – Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Humboldt State University, grant to support a lecture    and critiques, guest artist Alison Saar.          


Exhibition Record (*solo exhibition, + collaborative “Metal Pin Cushion” exhibition)


             August 28 - September 25, 2021, Four Squared, Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA. This exhibition featured 16 of my works and was intended for a national audience.


             May 7 – June 4, 2021, Black and White, Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Yarmouth, MA, virtual exhibition. This Exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for a national audience.


            May 1 – June 30, 2021, Composing the Future, Bankhead Theater, Livermore Valley

Preforming Arts Center, Livermore, CA. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for a regional audience.


             April 16 – May 2, 2021, A Thousand Words, Core New Art Space, Lake Wood, CO, Juror: Richard Chamberlain. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for a national.


            March 15 – April 22, 2021, @CSU, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA,

virtual exhibition. This exhibition featured two of my works and was intended for a national audience.


            March 4 – March 27, 2021, Women in Art, Las Laguna Art Gallery, Laguna CA,

virtual exhibition. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for a national audience.



             December 27, 2020 – February 27, 2021, On Being, Sculptors Alliance, New York, NY,  virtual exhibition, Juror Kim Power. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intend for an international audience.


             December 15 – Jan 31, A Generous Kingdom, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland, OR, virtual exhibition. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intend for an international audience.


            November 1 – December 26, 2020, Winter Juried Show, realART , Agoura Hills, CA, Juror Sylvia White. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intend for a national audience.


            October 1 – November 27, 2020, Madonna Play, Stichting White Cube Gallery,

Alkmaar, the Netherlands. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intend for an international audience.


           July 5 – August 30, 2020, Summer Show, realART, Agoura Hills, CA, Juror Sylvia White. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intend for a national audience.


           January 17 – February 21, 2020 Collectively Shifting, Bridgeport Art Center, Chicago, IL, guest curator Ms. Cecilia Vargas. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for local, regional, national audiences and members of the profession.


          January 4 – February 1, 2020, Red 2020, Bayside Post office, Bayside, CA. This exhibition featured two of my works and was intended for a local audience.



           October 24 – 27, 2019, 100% Vrouw (100% Female), Stichting White Cube Gallery,

Alkmaar, the Netherlands. This exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for local, regional, national, international audiences and members of the profession.


            Oct 7 – Nov 7, 2019, EnGENDERing Change, National Exhibition, Cloyde Snook Art Gallery, Adams State University, Alamosa, CO. This exhibition featured one of installations and was intended for local, regional, national audiences and members of the profession.


           September 18 – October 19, 2019, Faculty Exhibition, Reese Bullen Gallery, HSU, Arcata, CA. Featured two of my works and was intended for a local audience.


          July 5 – October 24, 2019, 32nd September Exhibition, Alexandria Museum, Alexandria

LA, juror’s award. This exhibition featured one of my installations and was intended for local, regional, national audiences and members of the profession.


         June 1 – June 24, 2019, WCA Exhibition, Umpqua Bank Gallery, Arcata, CA. This exhibition featured one of my installations and was intended for a local audience.


           June 1 – August 1, 2019, Decadence and Desire, Gallery 114, Portland, OR. This exhibition featured one of my installations and was intended for local, regional, national audience and members of the profession.


            May 3 – May 26, 2019, Under a Dark-Wine Sea, Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac, AZ.

This exhibition featured 2 of my works and was intended for local, regional, national audiences and members of the profession.




            September 13 – October 12, 2018, Faculty Exhibition, Reese Bullen Gallery, HSU, Arcata, CA. This exhibition featured two of my works and was intended for a local audience.


            July 18 - August 26, 2018, RISE: Empower, Change and Action! Whitney Modern Gallery, Los Gatos, CA This exhibition featured one of my works and was intended for local, regional, national audiences and members of the profession, independent curator Karen Gutfreund.


             April, 21 – May 19, 2018 Metamorphosis, Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA. This invitational exhibition featured four women sculptors. This exhibition features 3 of my large works and numerous small works. It is intended for members of the profession and local, region and national audience.


            February, February 22 – March 10, 2018, Art Speaks: Lend Your Voice, Santa       Monica Art Studios, Santa Monica, CA. This exhibition features one work from a new            series: Bloodless Coup. This exhibition is intended for members of the profession,            regional and local audiences.


            February 15 – April 28, 2018, Ka-Pow Heroic Women, Pacific Pinball Museum,

            Alameda, CA. This exhibition features one work from a new series: Bloodless Coup. This exhibition is intended for members of the profession, regional and  local audiences.




            October 14 – November 26, 2017, Underbelly, H Gallery, Ventura, CA. I exhibited my    Red Line of Fate installation. This work was chosen by the gallery curator for exhibition. The exhibition was intended for the general public, community and members of the          profession.


             October – November , 2017, Annual Faculty Exhibition, Reese-Bullen Gallery HSU Arcata, CA. I exhibited one new sculpture

from my Bloodless Coupe series. This exhibition was intended for a local audience.


            January 19 – March 24 Humboldt State University Department of Art Faculty and Staff,

Halden Gallery, Lake Tahoe Community College, Tahoe, CA. This exhibition was intended for both a professional as well as general audience.


            January 2 – February 2, Boxed, Bayside Post Office, Arcata, CA. I am exhibition completed series. Intended for a local, general audience.


            January 2 – 15, SNAP! Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA. I exhibited one of a new series. This exhibition was intended for both a professional as well as general audience.



            July 5 – July 29, Vision: An Artist’s Perspective, Kaleid Gallery, San Jose, CA

Exhibition sponsored by Gutfreund Cornett Art and I am exhibiting  one installed sculpture entitled Plumb Boobs. (catalog) This exhibition was intended for     both a professional as well as general audience.


February 22 – March 21, HSU Faculty and Student Exhibition, College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA. This exhibition addresses the relationship between students and faculty. I am exhibiting a partial installation entitled Red Line of Fate, my student, Milo Stasser, is

exhibiting a piece entitled Empty Words. Both works utilize body casting.


            January 15 – February 20, Trending: Contemporary Art Now, Online Gallery, Target        Gallery at the Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA. One of my installations entitled Threads will be represented as well as a smaller wall piece, Five Little Dresses. These pieces were chosen by Elizabeth Garvey, co-founder and owner Garvey Simon Art Access. (catalog)



            April 2 - 30, Voices: An Artist’s Perspective, in conjunction with Karen Gutfreund Art      and, the National Association of Women Artists in NYC. One of my installations entitled Red Line of Fate will be featured. Awarded Juror’s Choice Award by Joan McLoughlin, a gallery owner based in San Francisco. (catalog)


            February 20 – April 30, Contemporary Women Artists XVII Reimagining Femmage an      international biennial exhibit juried by Lisa Melandri, Executive Director of the   Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (CAM), one of my works will be featured in this     exhibition. (catalog)


            February 7 – 22 Transforming Community: Disability, Diversity and Access, juror: Petra Kuppers, Westbeth Center for Arts, Chelsea, NY. One of my installation entitled: Red   Line of Fate will be featured in this exhibition. (catalog)



            December 8- December 31, 2014, Through the Eyes of the Mother in two parts: An           Album for my Mother and Awakening Goddess, Baekryun Gallery, Seogu, Qwangju, South Korea. This exhibition was curated by Hye-seong Tak Lee.

(catalog). This international exhibition featured one of my pieces and was intended for     cultural exchange, the general public as well as members of the profession. (catalog)


             September 30 – October 24, 2014, 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Firehouse

Gallery, Grants Pass, OR, this was a regional invitational for all artists who had shown at the Firehouse Gallery during the last twenty years. It featured one of my pieces and was   for the general public.


             September 5 – October 5, 2014, Annual Faculty Exhibition, Humboldt State

University First Street Gallery, Eureka, CA. I exhibited one new installed sculpture from my “Characters of a Lesser Mythology” series. This exhibition was intended for the general public, campus community and members of the profession.


            June 6 – July 19, 2014 Disconnect, Transmission Gallery, Oakland CA, This

exhibition was a member exhibition for Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art. It featured one of my pieces. (catalog)


             April 18 – May 16, 2014, HSU Annual Sculpture Walk, HSU Campus, Arcata, CA, this was an exhibition in the HSU Library that featured my work and the works of my students. This exhibition was intended for the campus community. (catalog)


            March 1 – April 12, 2014 Piante` Gallery, Eureka, CA, this was a collaborative two person exhibition. Metal Pin Cushion exhibited collaboratively created works from a residency in Kentucky, and I exhibited a new installation entitled “We are connected by the red line of fate….” This local exhibition and was intended for the general public as well as members of the profession.


            March 1 – April 1, 2014, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Featured Artist Showcase,      Eureka, CA. I gave a lecture for OLLI about my work and brought samples of materials that I use for “show and tell”. This exhibition was composed of all of the artists in that      particular speaker series. This exhibition was intended for the general public.


            February 1 – March 15, 2014 Korean Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, I was chosen for this exhibition from my website by a curator from South Korean. This exhibition was intended for the general public as well as members of the profession. It coincided with the Annual Women’s Caucus for Art and College Art Association Conferences in Chicago, IL. (catalog)


             Art of Fiber, Nov. 19 – Dec 31, 2014 Workhouse Arts Center, Lorton, VA, Curator: Amy Lust.  This was a national exhibition featuring one of my fiber works, entitled “Scissor Damage”. Out of 200 entries 77 works were chosen to display. The exhibition space is an old prison renovated into a community, visual and performing arts center. This exhibition was intended for the general public as well as members of the profession.


             Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences Annual Small Works Exhibition, Nov. 4 – Dec. 9, Loveladies, NJ, Juror: Michael Cagno. This national level exhibition featured four of my small bronze works from the “Wedge Series”. This exhibition was intended for the general public as well as members of the profession.


              Junque Art Show, Oct.12 – Nov. 27, Morris Graves Museum, Eureka, CA.  This was an    annual local exhibition featuring one of my works. I entered this exhibition along with    my students as a community building activity. This exhibition was intended for the general public.


            Annual Faculty Exhibition, Sept. 13 – Oct. 4, Humboldt State University, Reese Bullen    Gallery, Arcata, CA, this was HSU’s Annual open exhibition for faculty featuring five      of my works – one installation entitled Threads, and four small bronzes from the Wedge   Series. This exhibition was intended for a local audience.


            HSU Annual Sculpture Walk, Apr. 15 – May 14, HSU Campus, Arcata, CA. This exhibition featured one of my works. I participate in the exhibition whenever possible as it helps validate my students’ efforts. This exhibition was intended for the general public and campus community. (catalog)


Publications (included in these)

            Trending: Contemporary Art Now! Exhibition Catalog, Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA.

            National Juried Exhibition Exhibition Catalog, Westbeth Gallery, Chelsea, NY.

            Voices an Artist’s Perspective Exhibition Catalog, Gallery Nine-5, New York, NY.

            Through the Eyes of the Mother in Two Parts: An Album for my Mother and Awaking Goddess Exhibition Catalog, Baekryun Gallery,                 Seogu, Qwangju, South Korea.

            Meet a Board Member, Women’s Caucus for Art E-News, September 2014 Edition.

            Metal Pin Cushion: Sondra Schwetman and Patrick Williams Wed Their Artistic

                        Styles, by Ken Weiderman, Art Beat, The North Coast Journal, Feb 27, 2014.

            Through the Eyes of the Mother Exhibition Catalog, Korean Cultural Center,

                        Chicago Il, 2014.

            Structure Exhibition Catalog, Arc Studios and Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2013.

            Stories We Tell Exhibition Catalog, Women’s Caucus for Art, New York, NY, 2013.

           “Contemporary Female Artists”, by Victoria Dalkey, Bee Art Correspondent,Sacramento Bee, Sunday, Aug 29, 2010.

             Contemporary Women Artist XV: Art as Activism Exhibition Catalog,

            St. Louis Chapter of the Women’s Caucus for Art, March 2010.


Bibliography, Panels, Presentations, Workshops and Visiting Artist Lectures



Guest Artist Lecture and Virtual Graduate Students Critiques, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS.




Sculpture Digest Article, “Easy Hardware Store Molds”, February 11, 2019. This article was about mold making.


            Through the Eyes of the Mother Exhibition Tour, Korean Culture Center,

            Chicago, IL. This was an artist’s tour and lecture.


            Through the Eyes of the Mother Exhibition, Book Signing, College Art

            Association, Chicago, IL.


            OLLI Show Case Artist Lecture, Eureka, CA, this was a lecture about my work for an

            audience of 60 community members enrolled in the OLLIE program.


Workshops, exhibitions and lectures organized

2020 Guest Artist Kirils Pantelejevs, from Riga, Latvia, Figure sculpting workshop.


2019 Guest Artist Rik Lee Leipold,  from San Francisco, CA, Resin Workshop.


2018 Guest Artist Lesley Dill, from NYC, public lecture and student critiques.


2018 Reality Sandwiches exhibition with WCA, Young Women’s Caucus.


2016 Guest Artist from LA, Alison Saar, Saar is a major figure in the international art world.    She will be speaking on her life as an artist, and giving critiques on March 2 – 3. This speaker was arranged on behalf of Women’s Caucus for Art, Humboldt.


2015 (Dis) Comfort, Piante Gallery, Eureka, CA. I organized and sponsored this national exhibition for the Young Women’s Caucus of Women’s Caucus for Art.


Areas of Specialization: Sculpture, Installation.


Technical Skills

Ceramic Shell, Standard Investment, Bonded Sand for Bronze, Iron and Aluminum Casting; Water Based and Urethane/Epoxy Fiberglass-Reinforced Resin Casting; Gas/Stick/MIG/TIG Welding, Oxy-Acetylene Cutting, Plasma Cutting, Steel Fabrication, Gas Forge Operation and Techniques; Slip Casting, Silicon/Plaster/Urethane/Latex Molds, Body Molds, Fabrication/Casting/Raising/Forming Non-Ferrous Metals, Forge Tool Making, Lapidary, Aluminum Anodizing, Plating, Enameling, Stone Carving, Wood Fabrication; Fabric Dyeing and Fabrication. I currently teach or have taught all of these.


Professional Memberships

International Sculpture Center

Women’s Caucus for Art

Art Table

 © 2018 Sondra Schwetman. Proudly created with

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